However reluctant we were, DWCM decided to take the Twitter plunge . The great things about technology is that people are always coming up with new and invented ways of doing business. We have been able to find several companies that link our posts from our website directly to our Facebook fan page, LinkedIn account, and yes even twitter.
Currently we have 23 followers. We still believe that our presence will grow with Twitter to be more than just posts as we continue to adjust and develop our social media strategy.
This Ad Age article addresses this very topic of utilizing Twitter for business. Author B.L. Ochman , president of, and an internet marketing strategist details 10 reasons why she believes that Twitter will be better for businesses than Facebook. Below are her top 3, full article here
- Twitter's a top source of news
- You can ask questions and get answers from experts
- Advertising on Twitter actually makes sense
Agree, or disagree? I'll close here with some pretty mind-boggling Twitter stats:
- Twitter has 140M+ active users.
- 55% of users access Twitter on mobile, with 40% growth quarter over quarter.
- Twitter users create over one billion Tweets every three days.
- 60% of Twitter users tweet; 100% are listening.
- 79% of people follow brands to get access to exclusive content.
- During this year's Super Bowl, one in five commercials contained a hashtag.
- Promoted Tweets get an average engagement rate of one to three percent.
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