Thursday, October 4, 2012

Austerity has never worked

We are not proponents of austerity nor stimulus programs.  We would prefer to see a balanced approach to deficit spending no different than an individual or family does in their own lives.  Balance what you spend with what you take in.

We often tell people that it is more important to focus on your spending rather than the income you have coming in.  Your expenses are much more controllable that your revenue or salary level.

Governments around the world need to tackle the hard decisions and find balance.  The problem especially here in the US is that neither political party is willing to work with the other in order to make hard decisions which are likely to upset there respective bases.

The Guardian address the issue of austerity from a historical perspective in this article

  • So, if the whole history of capitalism, and not just the experiences of the last few years, shows that the supposed remedies for today's economic crisis are not going to work, what are our political and economic leaders doing? Perhaps they are insane – if we follow Albert Einstein's definition of insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". But the more likely explanation is that, by pushing these policies against all evidence, our leaders are really telling us that they want to preserve – or even intensify, in areas like welfare policy – the economic system that has served them so well in the past three decades.

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