Monday, November 12, 2012

Which USA do you work in?

Mark Cuban, owner of the NBA Dallas Mavericks basketball team, and co-shark on ABC's Shark Tank, tackles the issue of brick and mortar jobs vs. digital jobs in one of his regular blog posts.

Cuban's position is that intelligence is being sucked out of the brick and mortar jobs as processes become automated and less people intensive.  This is the opposite when it comes to the digital side of things where people are taking big data and scrunching it down into usable bits of information.

Cuban solution which goes far beyond the differences in these two types of jobs is that the university system needs to be doing a better job of providing the tools necessary for student to transitions into jobs that companies actually need filled with the right skill set.

Full Cuban post here

  • Every smart company wants to become smarter and the way to do that is not by asking their employees to communicate  orally or in writing to management, its by automating everything.
  • The problem for those  who work in brick and mortar is that as the intelligence is sucked out of the job. The intelligence required to do the job is reduced. Yes, you still have to be good at what you do. But you can  be great at customer service or great in a factory line with out a college education. The competition for jobs that don’t require degrees has pushed down the wages paid for brick and mortar jobs as well. When there are no specific skills beyond basic people and communication skills required the job pool competing for any openings expands considerably. Forcing down wages. Leaving more unemployed unemployed.

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